Just sit with your grief...Let it swirl, let it swell
How do you frame a legacy? Only time will tell...
Little pockets/ groups of bright-eyed journalists
No money, shared suttas, stars in their eyes
Chat, faff...Help them sort the truth from the lies
Gather them round with tales from the beat
Punctuated with love, laughter, the noise of the street.
Father figure, mentor, senior, or Boss
It's going to take forever to deal with this loss.
The writing, the passion, the politics and the news
We're shaken up, in shock, but you were never ours to lose.
We sit with our grief...Let it swirl, let it swell
How do you frame a legacy? Only time will tell...
Wherever you are, Diptoshda
That's where it's at - the ultimate adda.