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Amrita Tripathi

Author / Founder/ Former Journalist

Books by Amrita Tripathi

Fun in the Sun (Or Cold, Rather)...

Hello again,

It's been months since I've been around -- another burst of inactivity online, which I'm sure to pay for at some point. 

How have you all been? Apart from the lovely folk who do send in comments hoping I can help hook them up with jobs, that is..  (I *really* wish I could!)  Keep your feedback coming in! 

As for me, I expect to tell you more soon about the lovely Mussoorie Writers Mountain Festival and the incredible people I had the privilege to meet and chat with, not least of all some bright high school kids from St George and Woodstock, as well as truly inspirational climbers and writers... The splendour of Landour also left me utterly recharged. More on that soon, but for the moment here's a delightful article by Shikha Tripathi featured in The Hindu. She does a great job describing the cosy vibe and all-round great atmosphere.

I'm also linking below to my session from the LitFestX Google Hangout over the weekend, where I was talking to Kumaar Bagrodia of LeapVault Media, about Writing a Darker Reality. It sounds solemn I know, but this covers some of our conversation on Delhi, the darker side of urban reality, as well as on depression, feeling isolated and alienated, the Darkness, the difficulty of adolescence, why banning sex education is a terrible idea, and more! 

Of course, I do use the opportunity to talk about my latest novel, The Sibius Knot -- most of these topics form the foundation of the book, which I do hope you'll take the time to read. Since this is the Kindle Festival we're talking about, here's the Kindle edition of The Knot

At the very least, watch, and send me your comments right here... Have a good one!

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