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Amrita Tripathi

Author / Founder/ Former Journalist

Books by Amrita Tripathi

Coming Soon...To a Bookstore Near You

Here we are, then 2014... Let's wrap this up, this year of Change, and make way for a new 'un!

So FINALLY, the wait is just about over for me... I'm told the second novel will be available for pre-order around Christmas, and should be in book stores in the New Year, so that's something to celebrate! 

Very excited to see what you make of it, because judging by the reactions so far, it's nothing like anything... Which is to say, not predictable, and not what you're expecting!

Soon, perhaps we can explain The Sibius Knot a little better... (It's invented. Or is it?) It has a lot to do with the 90s, Delhi, a group of young adults who don't quite know they're in a cult, and well...I shouldn't give too much away!

We might do a Sibius Walk -- and meanwhile, will be putting up photos that are part of the texture and very much set the mood for the book. It's an adventure, yes, and I hope you'll stick around for the ride, no matter how dark it gets! Till then, will set up the FB page, and have you all on there, answering q's and asking for your photos from the 90s... the decade that changed everything!

On another programming note: In January, I will be speaking at the Jaipur Literature Festival in very august company indeed, as well as hosting a session at the Crime Writers' Festival in Delhi, so stop by and say hi. Hopefully with a book in tow -- Signed copies are the best, right?!

(Shameless plug alert, for the next couple of months)


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