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Amrita Tripathi

Author / Founder/ Former Journalist

Books by Amrita Tripathi

Blog posts : "podcast"

Say Again Podcast: Weekly Episodes

I'm so excited to bring you the #SayAgain podcast. I have been thinking of doing a podcast for ages, and finally took the leap in a more systematic fashion this year. Btw I'm finally following the top Social Media tip we've shared, ie 'Be Consistent'. I've been better at sharing this advice than following it myself, but I finally decided to implement some sort of structure this summer. 




Or you can watch the full episodes on Youtube


 The podcast has been a delight to host- I get to talk to some incredible leaders, and change-makers about how they look at their own success and impact, how they navigate the ups and downs of life, where they centre around empathy, what they do to prioritise mental health and wellness, and more behind the scenes stuff! The response has been gratifying and keeps me going!

I was delighted to see some interesting cities in the mix: 

Do get in touch with your comments, whichever city you're in! And watch clips on our new YouTube channel: @amritatrips Do hit subscribe 

💜 Amrita

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