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Amrita Tripathi

Author / Founder/ Former Journalist

Books by Amrita Tripathi

Blog posts February 2015

Where/ How to buy The Sibius Knot

The Sibius Knot, Amrita Tripathi's second novel resides at a store near you! 

And online:

For Your Kindle : 






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The Sibius Knot

As promised, I'm going to post some of your twitter reviews/ FB reviews/ comments on the book, on here!


But first, hark! To the East! Nizamuddin East!  (An aside to my siblings, that was!)

But dekho, with huge thanks to the lovely folks at Full Circle and Cafe Turtle:


Also posting: An Audio Excerpt of The Sibius Knot...One passage for now on the "barbaric vibe" in Delhi, as one character puts it. 

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Launching a book...






I was absolutely delighted to be able to launch my second novel The Sibius Knot on Friday the 13th, in Delhi. Lady Kishwar Desai was a wonderful interlocutor, and the presence of family and friends made it an overall warm, cosy, fuzzy experience. And looks like we sold us some books, too!

The discussion was about cults, the Devil/ Darkness, how fragile relationships are and much more!

Here's hoping The Sibius Knot finds its readers! 

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Grief, loss and mourning... An Ode to Diptosh

Just sit with your grief...Let it swirl, let it swell
How do you frame a legacy? Only time will tell...
Little pockets/ groups of bright-eyed journalists
No money, shared suttas, stars in their eyes
Chat, faff...Help them sort the truth from the lies
Gather them round with tales from the beat
Punctuated with love, laughter, the noise of the street.
Father figure, mentor, senior, or Boss
It's going to take forever to deal with this loss.
The writing, the passion, the politics and the news
We're shaken up, in shock, but you were never ours to lose.
We sit with our grief...Let it swirl, let it swell
How do you frame a legacy? Only time will tell...
Wherever you are, Diptoshda 
That's where it's at - the ultimate adda.

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Kindle edition!

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Plugging in...Classics

Nothing like the olden goldies, at times...

Am thoroughly enjoying reading Tales of The Jazz Age by our old friend F Scott Fitzgerald. 

One of my best friends Shoili introduced me to him years ago -- her favourite book back in college was The Great Gatsby -- and I've never thanked her enough.

I wish I'd read The Jelly-Bean in college, to be honest, I was a bit of a jelly-bean, if you ask me...Would've been helpful to know what was what back then when being vague and faffing were all such novelties! 

A friend had asked a few months ago (or was it years?) about how I could possibly read "good fiction" and "bad" -- how do you enjoy high art and trash, I think she was asking. (She's not one to mince her words.) I don't quite know, and am curious to know what you think... but I love both. They're balm for different parts of the soul, I should think. Though maybe that isn't entirely true. Good literature -- much like good art and good cinema, I suppose -- elevates you...It touches your soul. A racy thriller may have you turning pages like an adrenaline junkie, but can't claim the same.

Anyway, enough yammering from me for the mo' -- let me know what you're reading! Hope to have more books-related stuff on here, more regularly! 

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6 blog posts